Student Registration
New Student Registration
If you are new to the district, you can begin the registration process using the link below:
Please note: If you are an existing family of RSU 40 with a student already enrolled in the district and are registering another child, you will register your child through your Campus Portal account and not from here. If you do not have a Campus Portal account, please contact your child’s school.
For your child to be enrolled in the district, you will need the following information and will be able to upload this within the online application. A help file for scanning documents to your device is provided below.
** Please be careful to choose the correct school year that you are enrolling your child for.**
- Household information — address and phone numbers
- Parent information — work and cell phone numbers, email addresses
- Student information — copy of birth certificate, health concerns, medications, and immunization records
- Emergency contact — phone numbers
- Any court documents pertaining to the student and/or guardianship
- Evidence of proof of residency — examples include:
- Current tax bill or rent receipt
- Current vehicle registration
- Current voter registration
- Divorce decree – may assign the child(s) primary/permanent residence
- Current utility bills
Pre-K Information:
A child must be four years old on or before October 15, 2024, to be eligible to register for Pre-K. Priority will be given to students who live in our school district.
We currently have six Pre-K classrooms in our district located at Miller School (2), Union Elementary School (1), Prescott Memorial (1) and Warren Community School (2). Students attend five full days a week. Each Pre-K class is full when it reaches 16 students.
Friendship students will have the option of being transported to/from Warren or Miller School based on class sizes.
A child must be four years old on or before October 15, 2024, to be eligible to register for Pre-K. Priority will be given to students who live in our school district.
Of our 96 seats, we will begin filling 90 seats on March 1st, on a first-come, first-serve basis beginning with students who reside in RSU 40. We will notify out-of-district requests at the beginning of July 2024 if we have space available. The remaining students will be placed on a waitlist and applications will continue to be collected through September 3rd, at which time the remaining seats will be filled with priority being given to children who fit into the following eligibility categories:
- Children with IEPs
- Multi-language learners
- State agency clients (Children in foster care, kinship care, or with an open child protective case)
- Children who are homeless
- Free & reduced meal eligibility
- Resident of RSU 40
A child will not be considered for placement in a class until registration is fully complete including proof of residency, birth certificate, and immunization record.
A child must be five years old on or before October 15, 2024, to be eligible to register for Kindergarten. If your child was already enrolled with the district for Pre-K, you do not need to do a new registration for enrollment for Kindergarten. You will need to do the annual update of Student Information in the fall.
Link will be published on March 1st, 2024 for new Kindergarten registrations.
Returning Student Registration:
Each year we send an email asking parents to complete an annual update of information.
Registration for existing students is accessed through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Please complete the update as soon as you can. Completing this process is important so that each of our schools are updated with contact information, medical information and a review of school policies and handbooks.
If you have any questions, do not have a Campus Portal account or need your password reset, please contact your student’s school office. Once you are logged into the portal be sure to choose Returning student registration for 23-24. Do not choose New registration. The instructions can also be located ‘HERE‘.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal Link to Registration
If you have any questions or need assistance with completing the online registration, please contact the school at the phone number provided below:
Town of Residency | School Name | Contact Number | Grades |
Friendship | Friendship Village School | 832-5057 | grades K – 6 |
Union | Union Elementary | 785-4330 | grades Pre-K – 6 |
Waldoboro | Miller School | 832-2103 | grades Pre-K – 6 |
Waldoboro | Medomak Middle School | 832-5028 | grades 7 – 8 |
Waldoboro | Medomak Valley High School | 832-5380 | grades 9-12 |
Warren | Warren Community School | 273-2001 | grades Pre-K – 6 |
Washington | Prescott Memorial School | 845-2424 | grades Pre-K – 6 |