

Crystal Boucher


Administrative Assistant

Mary Ledger

Administrative Assistant

Teaching Staff

Tamara Casas

Pre-K Teacher

Michelle Bourque

Kindergarten Teacher

Samantha Esancy

1st Grade Teacher

Kasey Leidenroth

2nd Grade Teacher

Barbara Kopishke

3rd Grade Teacher

Leonard Lewis

4th Grade Teacher

Sarah Gagne

5th Grade Teacher

James Freyenhagen

6th Grade Teacher

Laura Goltry

Resource Room Teacher/Interventionist

Mark Phillips

Music Teacher

Darcy Kelly

Physical Education Teacher

Erik Minzner

Art Teacher

Marcie Howard

Health Teacher

Instructional Support Staff

Cynthia Vannah

Educational Support Staff (Library)

Jean Stephenson

Educational Support Staff

Morgan DiBenedetti

Educational Support Staff

Ruth Bowman

Educational Support Staff

Professional Services

Blair Brown

District Gifted and Talented

Heather Halsey

District School Psychologist

Michele Cooney

School Nurse

Katherine Nook Frost

Occupational Therapist

Rachel Burns

School Counselor

Celeste Dimuro


Susan Pillsbury

Speech and Language Pathologist

Support Services

Dawn Pendleton

Kitchen Manager

Patricia Thibodeau

Head Custodian

Staff emails are in the following format: