About Us
Miller School is a Pre-K-6 elementary school of 340 students and approximately 70 staff members. We are located in beautiful Midcoast Maine in a clamming and lobstering community on the Medomak River.
We have 2 or 3 classes at each grade level along with music, art, and physical education and a full-time school counselor. Miller is home to the district’s special education program for students with autism giving us a full spectrum of services for students with special needs.
At Miller, we strive to be a respectful school where everyone feels safe and welcome and can do his or her best. We use the principles of Responsive Classroom to teach the social curriculum, build community, and improve academics. It complements our Social Emotional curriculum, Second Step, which focuses on Skills for Learning, Empathy, Emotion Management, and Problem Solving.
We use a Multi-Tiered System of Support for academics and behavior, using data to inform instruction, teaching expectations for behavior in all areas of the school, and providing extra support for those who need it.
While COVID-19 continues to bring challenges this year, the staff of Miller School will continue to work diligently to assist students in being the best they can be.

Julia Levensaler